In context, though, I can’t help but feel this release is a bit premature. In that regard, assessed purely in a vacuum, this game is a smash hit. Underneath a fairly fresh coat of paint is the same adrenaline-pumping, juvenile story of a gang-turned-media-sensation trying to rebuild itself. Overall there isn’t much more to say about Saints Row: The Third Remastered because, all in all, it’s the same game I loved back in 2011.

All 3 mission packs and 30 pieces of DLC are included for free in the remastered version of the game.If your feeling bored playing alone you can always bring a friend to play the game’s campaign in full co-op mode.Defeat the syndicate in style humiliate them with outlandish weapons and vehicles re-experience the classic saint row fun.Remastered: saints row the third never looked so better with enhanced graphics, improved lighting, and reworked environments and visual effects.Refusing to take a knee to the syndicate the saints take the fight to them on Steelport city destroy and dismantle the syndicate’s control of the city. The syndicate has their eyes on the gang a legendary global organization has demanded the saints to pay tribute. Experience Saint row the third modernized and upgraded in saint row the third remastered, Years after the third street saints took over Stilwater they became famous and was celebrated in Stilwater, but all that notoriety didn’t go unnoticed.