Licensing can keep out bad operators and assure the quality of the rentals for future guests. Regulation helps set standard operating procedures and levels the playing field. Responsible owners accept that licensing and regulation are needed to maintain the good reputation of vacation rentals in the Poconos. Responsible owners don’t want party houses, they don’t want rowdy guests and don’t want their investment damaged by bad guests good guests are good for business. Most Pocono municipalities now have Short-term Rental Ordinances.

According to the PA Supreme Court, running a STR is running a business and townships can license the practice and use zoning to restrict where STRs are permitted. We now call all vacation homes that rent short-term rentals, using the acronym of STR. Successful operators reinvest in the community by hiring local cleaners, property managers and service providers and bring a host of entrepreneurial activity and optimism to the region. They invest in rehabbing their properties, they encourage their communities to upgrade facilities, and they promote the region as a destination to bring in rentals. The investors that the previous article complains about are most often successful, young individuals, not big corporations and these individuals have tied a good portion of their life savings into these investments. Stay a while Pocono chic: 4 charming Airbnbs for your next staycation